Thursday, November 17, 2016

Day 3 and 4

Day 3 was uneventful! It was so good to be without a headache all day! I hurt my knee some kind of way so I tried to take it easy all day after work. Today is Day 4 and the first think I noticed when I woke up- the Fibromyalgia pain is gone!!! What a relief! I feel so much better in my skin! Now to see this thing through to the end! I have been eating a sensible meal for dinner because of my headache. So I need to decide if I will continue that or if I will do the full Master Cleanse. Right now I'm hydrated and listening to my body! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Day 2

Day 2 was rough... Goid news is I'm down 4 pounds. Yesterday evening I was bloated and I felt like a bag of ricks. I urinated constantly through the night and woke up 4 pounds lighter. I also woke up with a headache. This headache lasted all day long. So what was supposed to be a productive day ended up with me just being loving and kind to myself through the pain. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Day One, again and again

I wrote today on my Soaring Through the Storms blog about the importance of getting back to basics. Part of my getting back to basics physically includes doing the Master Cleanse. Last year I got down to 206, the lowest I'd been in 18 years! However, this year brought marital issues, an unexpected, unplanned pregnancy and an unfortunate miscarriage which all resulted in me slipping back into poor eating habits, NO exercise and I am back up to 242 pounds this morning. I am officially ready to get back on the wagon, however, I am going back to what always works for me: The Master Cleanse. Most people are familiar with the Master Cleanse. It is a 10 day cleanse that works to purify the blood and kidneys and helps to lose weight. Some feel that it is extreme or a fad diet, however, I have discussed it with my Doctor and gotten the green light to do it several times a year. I know when I need to do a cleanse because my fibromyalgia will begin to act up. Fibromyalgia is am autoimmune disease that causes severe pain and achiness. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2009 but I probabaly started suffering from flare ups as early as 2003, following a bad car accident. I describe fibromyalgia as feeling like you just worked out the hardest workout of your life and you wake up the next day and can barely get out of bed. That is how my body feels when I am having a flare up.

For whatever reason the Master Cleanse helps to calm the inflammation response in my body and helps to end the Fibro flare up. It also helps to clear the mind and calm the emotions. I am excited to be starting the cleanse today because it has helped me so much over the 10 years since my co-worker, Denise, introduced me to it. It is my go-to when I am tired and overwhelmed and in pain. I will keep you up to date on my weight loss plans and goals but today I am going to make sure that I drink 64 ounces of water, 64 ounces of lemonade and that I am kind and gentle to myself.

The Master Cleanse (also known as the Lemonade Diet) info:

Fibromyalgia info:

Anit-Inflammatory Diet Info:

The More things Change, The More They Stay the Same

 It’s February 20th and I’m up in my gym clothes ready to go. I have really struggled staying consistent with diet and exercise since 2021 w...