Monday, January 4, 2016


How did preparation go? I did a good job getting food last night and starting the week off well. I was sidelined by the Brownies sitting on the counter when I got home from work. After work/before dinner (3-6pm) is the time I find myself mindlessly eating. This time if transition is one of my triggers. In 2014, I used to eat Resch's donuts everyday between picking up Kaissa and the Twins. I gained so much weight! I had a snack of Skinny Pop but I was not satisfied after that snack (and an apple)! What are your triggers? Is it a situation? Time of day? Experience? I need to figure out a way to get through those few hours. I may need to eat more for lunch so that I'm not hungry during 3-6pm. Let me know your triggers...

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