1. Go to bed at a decent hour. DVR that show or news broadcast and watch it tomorrow.
2. Turn off the lights, laptop and TV. In order to get a deep sleep there should be no other lights on in the room.
3. Journal or read before going to bed. Especially if you are prone to worry. Writing everything on your mind tricks your brain into thinking you did something about your problems.
4. Medidate and/or pray: This puts you in a peaceful mindset to sleep.
5. Turn off the ringer on your phone- especially turn off notifications for facebook, messenger and email.
6. Turn on white noise- if you have trauma in your past- every little nouse may wake you up. There are white noise apps to help you tune out the other noise in the house.
7. Exercise: Exercising earlier in the day means a more peaceful sleep at night!
Here's wishing you sweet dreams!
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