Thursday, March 10, 2016

Define Happiness

Week 2, Day 4. Define Happiness. So many people if I asked them what's wrong will talk about being unhappy. But why? I believe many people have failed to define happiness for themselves. They are using unrealistic definitions of happiness that they've seen on a movie, in videos or on someone's social media site. But true happiness, or joy unspeakable comes from within, not without. If you think happiness is found in "stuff" google people who were rich but still took their life. Money and status does not equal happiness. What is happiness? Well to me happiness is living life on my own terms. Graduating when people told me to drop out; giving birth to what I was told to abort; leaving a relationship that looked perfect on the outside but was torture on the inside; marrying a man people warned me about; leaving a potential law career to follow my passion; and the list goes on. You have to define happiness for yourself but happiness for me comes from not having to wear the mask, being able to be fully myself- good, bad or otherwise. It is found in the loving relationship I have with my kids, husband, coworkers and friends. It is in knowing that anything I do- I give it my all. Are things perfect? No. Are there things I hope to improve? Absolutely. But the power to do that is in my hand. I am the captain of my ship, the master of my fate- and for a long time that was not my story. So today, take a few minutes and define happiness for yourself. When you find it. It will be better than any Disney Happily Ever After! 

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