Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Can't Stop Eating

When I was in High School, I had a meltdown with my best friend one day. The crying babbling ending with these words, "I can't stop eating!!!!" That became our mantra. It is applicable today. I think that maybe when I feel ravenous there is a hormonal reason (TOM) or I am dehydrated! Both are true right now but I feel so out of control with my eating right now. I have so many ideas about how to proceed but no clear plan. I need to commit to a way and implement it no matter what. I know that Monday I will start the Master Cleanse and that I will be able to break my cravings if I stay on that for 10 days. Right now that is my plan. In the meantime, I am on a fast with my church so I am abstaining from sugar, fried food and fast food, but it has not been easy. It's always worth it. I did have 2 days of exercising this week on the Wii. But once you get into going to the gym, it's hard to feel like you got a good work out at home. But I broke a sweat! I have to be kind and patient with myself but keep moving forward. I am not where I want to be, but like the Old Mothers say- thank God I'm not where I used to be!

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